Graduation from the Film Academy

June is almost here, and it is a very important month! This month I graduate from my master studies at the Conservatorium of Amsterdam! The graduation ceremony is going to happen in the end of June in the Film Academy of the Netherlands, and the Keep an Eye Film Festival will follow it on the 4th of July! I am so excited and honoured to have been part of this amazing studies and to have made so many great films and collaborations!

Our film, ‘De Anatomie van een Meermin’ will premiere on the 4th of July at the Eye Filmmuseum i Amsterdam, and then it will be screened again until the 7th of July when the fesival will end. The commercials I scored for SIRE will also be screened those days.

You can visit the official link of the Film Academy website and read the full text here:

And also, the site of the festival, so you can see the program for our wonderful films:

Thank you to everyone who helped and supported me on this wild ride! I thank my teachers and my colleagues and friends, also my colleagues on the Film Academy and my family. I am so proud of all of our work, and I am looking forward to what the future holds for me!